Are you fond of using hashtags? But don’t know how to use hashtags on pinterest?
Then this article is for you. Here I will cover what is the importance of using hashtags on pinterest?
How it can increase reach and followers on Pinterest? So, stay with me till the end.
When Pinterest started Hashtags?
Pinterest in on of its post on 26 Sep 2017 officially announced that you can use hashtags on Pinterest.
How to Use Hashtags on Pinterest?
Table of Contents

If you use hashtags on facebook, twitter and on Instagram then you must know what are hashtags.
Let me tell you again, hashtag is a word or combination of words prefixed by hash symbol (#).
Now Pinterest hashtags can be used to identify pins on a similar topic.
When you search something with hashtag on Pinterest in the search bar it will show the similar hashtag feed.
The hashtag search is different from normal search. Because when you search hashtag in the search bar you will served with fresh pins i.e. newest pins at top.
I can’t verify newest pin on the top because when I search using hashtag I could not see date with pin.

You can also use hashtag search to find relevant boards, videos and people.
I personally use one hashtag related to my brand and other hashtags related to pin or post (facebook/twitter).
Pinterest also recommend that try to be specific and descriptive while using hashtags.
It is also recommended that you should use relevant hashtags that could describe your pin clearly.
Where to use Hashtags on Pinterest
Hashtags on Pinterest can be added in the description only. Hashtags do not work in the title field.
You can add hashtags in title as well but those will not work. It means those will not be clickable.
When you make a hashtag that will turn blue and clickable. On android app if you don’t add title your description will be shown as title but hashtags will also not work there.
So, the take is adding your hashtags in the description only.
As you know hashtags are clickable so try to add hashtags at the end of the description.
Because if you add hashtag in the start people will be distracted away to hashtag feed and will not click on your desired call to action.
How many hashtags you can add
I don’t know how many hashtags you can add on Pinterest really. As I did not try adding too much. But Pinterest recommend not to add more than 20 hashtags per pin.
I think 20 is also too much so adding 3 to 5 hashtags is good enough. So many hashtags look spammy and it can impact you negatively.
Relevant hashtags between 3 to 5 are enough and make sense rather than very popular irrelevant hashtags.
Can you add hashtag to Pinterest comments?
You can add hashtags to Pin’s description only. There is no other place where you can add hashtags.
You can add hashtag to pin’s title and comments but those will not work as hashtags. It means those will not become clickable and will look like simple text.
Similarly, hashtags will not work for board titles, description and profile names.
Should I add hashtags to old pins?
If you think by adding hashtags to older pin you can get more traffic then you are wrong.
Because adding hashtags to older pins will not help them by showing into search.
As I previously told you that when you search hashtag in search bar only latest pins will be shown.
So, adding hashtags to older pins will not help them as new pin.